
elephants ivory

Elephants are the most significant existing land animals. Three living species are currently known the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. They are the only surviving members of the elephant.

Some Asian elephants are located in India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. African elephants are the largest land mammals. In Kenya, the elephant species is the African Elephant, which includes the forest and savannah elephant, known as tembo or ndovu by Kenyan locals.

The bush elephants are giant, weighing about 6000kg. However, they reach their full size at 30 to 50. The life span of an elephant is 60 to 70 7ears. A baby elephant is about 100kgs

The elephant trunks are a susceptible organ and are very useful for drinking water, digging up roots, feeding, and sometimes as a defense when fighting.

The elephant trunks are made of ivory which is in demand and causes elephants to be endangered.

The elephant’s skin is thick and can retain water which helps them cool down even when hot. When bathing, they pick a lot of dust to protect the skin from the sun’s birth.

Elephants feed on grass, tree leaves, fruits, and roots if it is dry and needs 150kg of food daily.

Elephants spend most of the day looking for food, and they have their way of communicating.

When a baby elephant is born, it stands within half an hour and can start to walk in an hour. The baby can walk with the herd for two days to look for food.

In the past century, Asian and African elephants have been wiped out due to the ivory trade. It is estimated that only 500,000 elephants are leaving today.

In Kenya, in East Africa, to help fight the ivory trade and save elephants, you can adopt one for yourself or in someone’s name for about $40 a year. You can also donate to more significant global initiatives like the World Wildlife Fund and the Wildlife Conservation Network and more local efforts like The Tsavo Trust. 

The baby elephant is from Kenya. “David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust” offers a haven for elephants who have been victims of poaching in East Africa. With love and care, these elephants can return to Kenya’s National Parks when ready. You can visit the orphanage during your safari holiday in Nairobi, Kenya.

There is an entry fee of US$15 per adult, US$ per child, between 11 am and 12 pm daily.

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